Media/ Body Image

Some media that is problematic for girls/boys are magazines, models, Instagram accounts, etc. The media says that boys should be tall muscular and handsome. They say that this is what young girls should look for in a boyfriend/ S.O. The media also says that girls should by taller and thinner that the average female in America. The average female in America today wears a size 12-16, but average models wear a size 4. The media tries to push young women to think that their body is not good enough and that they should not be average but better than average.

It is not realistic for everyone to achieve the looks of models and celebrities in the media. For it to happen everyone would look unnatural. If everyone had the same ideal body image perpetuated in the media, our society would still find something to discredit girls that still weren’t “perfect”. Our society would have more of a one-sided thought process than it does now.

My friends have been affected by media images? They are more so affected by the new “trends” that celebrities are wearing. For example like what new hair cut is everyone going for now, or what new makeup is Kylie Jenner wearing this month. My friends are rarely ever affected by the body image part of the media.

There are ways that the media can do to change the promotion of an ideal body image. They can start by promoting more “average sized” female and male models. Meaning maybe get people that are shorter or fuller in size. They need to diversify their people. Another thing they could do is start by not over photo shopping their models and celebrities. And thirdly they can change what type of news to promote. It doesn’t always have to be what new diet is going around to make you lose 10 pounds in a week. They need to start publishing more accomplishing stories that show young people that they can do something in their lives.

I, myself, can do things to promote acceptance and appreciation of unique qualities in others. I can start by complimenting people on something they are wearing or their hair style that day to make them feel better about themselves. I can also join my SPEAK club at school and help set the club up more open to body size and appreciation of all people. Lastly I can help by overall just being nicer to people and less judgmental when I meet someone.

One thought on “Media/ Body Image

  1. I appreciate your suggestions of how you can improve your own habits as well as how you can impact your friends and your world. I also agree that media should show more diverse bodies. I think it’s interesting that your friends are impacted by media other than body image, too, such as make-up, clothes, and hairstyles. I haven’t thought about those examples yet, so thanks for reminding me of those media effects! Good examples.


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